I've recently become more aware of my identity as a Black American. Ironically, this increased awareness presents itself in the form of confusion, blurred lines, and more questions than answers. But I love that. I'm redefining myself, and I don't know how this will all end up. Below is the accumulation of some of the thoughts I've been processing recently as I embrace this transformation. It might not make much sense, but it's honestly where I am:
I have an
inherent, unshakable feeling of failure.
That I have
been failed by a society that dilutes my history,
That I have
failed my ancestors by rejecting my identity,
That I have
failed, time and time again, to
embrace my black skin;
That I have considered
my pain and burdens to be greater than theirs,
That I have
forgotten the tears and blood shed on the path they took to get me here—
perhaps this is the greatest
failure of them all.
I have been
taught that I Stand on the Shoulders of Giants.
I did not
learn this from the pages of selective history fed to me in school,
Which paint
my people as weak and broken, tired and savage.
No, I
learned this from my own blood, from the stories passed by word of mouth.
I learned
from a language that others cannot comprehend
Because it
is our story, for our people, preserved so that we can remember our
Our stories penetrate the soul, running so deep that
they are undeniable;
Setting a
fire within, bringing out immense pride, strength, dignity, and beauty—
this is not something you learn
from a book.
They told me
that my identity is rooted in fear and anger, betrayal and desperation and
confusion, pain and tears;
But these
factors are minuscule compared to
the strength, resilience, and pride that run deeper in my veins than blood.
There was no
exaggeration, nor any hesitation, when voices cried out saying,
"we have come over a way that with tears has
been watered; we have come treading our path through the blood of the slaughtered.”
my ancestors have carried me a mighty long way;
And yet, I
have failed them.
I allowed
myself to partake in a false sense of security.
I believed
that the system was on my side, that the fight was over and we could now rest.
i was wrong.
I can no
longer sit back and say that there is not a problem
I can no
longer sit back and wait for others to find a solution
I can no
longer leave my brothers and sisters to carry the fight for me;
i must join them.
The blood
that runs through my veins carries a DNA that has survived hell.
It carries a
fight that was started centuries ago when they were stripped of humanity.
It carries
no story of self-pity, nor weakness, nor fear.
My blood only
carries a story of perseverance, strength, strong will, unity and hope.
My actions
must reflect that which lies within me.
So I must
For the tears
shed, lives lost, and injustices witnessed by my people, I must fight today.
I must
continue to rebuild the humanity that was stripped of my ancestors, I must
redefine our identity.
If you ever
feel the need to ask why I have joined this fight,
Just know it
is because
I am
ready to shake this feeling of failure.
I am
ready to take back our identity.