Tuesday, November 29, 2016


DACA Student Support Rally - November 14, 2016
If I had to describe the experience in three words: humbling, empowering, uniting.
For all the disenfranchised people: I see you. I am with you. I understand the pain, the fear, the anger. 
Now is our time to make ourselves seen, heard, believed, and validated. 
now. is. our. time.

I stand with you.
I will stay by your side
I will fight your fight,
I will endure the pain,
I will take the weight from your shoulders.

Show me your fight
so that I can pick up 
when you feel like you can't go on.
Share with me your strength
so that I can carry you
when they try to break you down.
Lend me your voice
so that we can say it loud
say it together, 
united as one

With a fist held high;
with a stone cold expression;
shouting at the top of our lungs,
or in silence when the words run out;
marching and stomping,
screaming laughing crying,
making our presence known--
I stand with you.

And I will not let you fall

We stand together.
We fight together.
We survive together.
We will not fall.

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