November 4, 2008: My family and I sat on the couch in front of our TV, intensely watching the election count and your subsequent acceptance speech. I didn't understand everything it meant then, but over the years I would come to understand that not only were we witnessing history in that moment, but we were (and still are) living it. In the process of growing up in this historical period, I also got to witness the growth of our country--economically and socially. In eight years, society as I knew it was completely transformed.
Over these past eight years, I learned a lot from you, but what struck my heart the most was how you constantly emanated hope, and preached change. More importantly, you matched those words with actions. You showed so much humility and grace, through every hardship and every success. Ernest Hemingway said, "courage is grace under pressure." You are living, breathing evidence of what it means to be courageous.
No words can truly capture my gratitude for how you have carried our nation, but I figured I'd try.
Thank you for inspiring me every day to do my part in bringing about positive change in this society. Thank you for reminding me that optimism, forward motion, and learning from history are more important than dwelling on the negatives. Thank you for restoring my belief in the power of an individual citizen in this country, while simultaneously teaching me that the most powerful change is found in solidarity and collaboration.
Thank you for restoring hope I didn't realize I had lost. Because of you, I have not given up. I have not given up on myself and my potential to make a change, or on this society and all those who make it what it is. You said it yourself: "Regardless of our differences we're all in this together; we rise and fall as one." Eight years ago, you brought the nation together with the message, "Yes We Can." What you have shown in your last months is that it is never too late to take action, that the fight for change never ends. Your determination and perseverance, working right up to your last day, is a reminds to us all: we are all capable. You have shown us how to turn angst into growth, fear into progress, hate and anger into forgiveness.
Thank you for the reminder to keep hoping, keep believing, keep dreaming in a better future. Thank you for leading the cause for change. I vow to keep the faith, to keep moving forward, so that all that forward motion is still a reality.
You said, "believe; not in my ability to bring about change, but in yours." Truth be told, it was my belief in you as our leader that brought me this far. So now, it's our turn. We will pick up this fight, standing with you, as citizens who love this country and want nothing but the best for this world. I'm ready to fight for change that will better our society and carry it forward. [We Got it from Here...Thank You 4 Your service.]
Thank you, Mr. President.
You changed my life.
You changed the world.
You, sir, are my president.
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